Tisane has been around for half a decade. It stands apart from other text moderation tools with its architecture. We were shy about our unorthodox approach in our early years; now we have enough traction and confidence to come out.
Bird’s-eye View
Today, most text moderation APIs are either machine learning classifiers or rule-based engines looking for keywords. Tisane is neither.
Under the hood, Tisane is a sense disambiguation platform. It receives text as its input, and produces a knowledge graph. The nodes of the knowledge graph contain word senses rather than words; that is, a combination of a lexical item and its interpretation in the current context.
Then, labels are generated based on the combination of graph node constraints. These labels can be anything: entity types, sentiment values, or alerts about problematic content. Think of it as spaCy-like multipurpose engine, but based on a monolithic, interpretable architecture.
But Why?
tl;dr Because the mainstream solutions are broken in too many ways to count.
The simple keyword or blocklist-based solutions (aka clbuttic) may work for simple tasks in low-traffic communities but will make managing anything bigger or more complex a living hell. (Embrace your inner adolescent and read more with examples.) Most importantly, the bulk of issues do not involve “bad words” but “bad combinations” of neutral words.
Which is why machine learning solutions took over in late 2010s, with the promise of a more nuanced and context-aware solution. While the new paradigm did provide new ways of catching unwanted content, it also created additional issues. Perhaps, the biggest one is adding to the exponentially growing antagonism toward social networks. With the approach often falling back to a bag of words, utterances like “I am a black sex worker” may be perceived as racist. Tweaking and balancing would improve the accuracy somewhat, but not the trust of users whose messages were blacklisted with no explanation.
Computer says no. Puzzled human is trying to understand why. (Image by redgreystock on Freepik)
I hadnt seen that specific one. But algorithmic and corporate action transparency has been requested/demanded for years for all big tech. Part of the issue is that AI is very blackbox and is very hard and expensive for third parties to audit.
Opaqueness, as we know, is baked in machine learning. The best explanation ML can give is pinpointing the nodes that influenced its decision. The rest is untraceable, a bajillion-dimensioned matrix multiplied by another bajillion-dimensioned matrix.
73% Likelihood of Naughty
If Kafka were writing his Der Process today, he would absolutely feature an equivalent of confidence values. Because being judged by a black box is not scary enough. It has to be a combination of a black box and dice.
The whole idea of pigeonholing human behavior into “naughty” and “nice” may be suitable for Santa Claus, but trust & safety people need to do better than that. And only a sadist Santa Claus would combine his own judgement with a roll of a dice. “Well, it’s 73% confidence value… yeah, probably naughty. If it were 72.98%, then the elves from Mechanical Turk had to take another look.”
We saw customers who hinge their entire moderation process on the confidence values; with both their classifiers and human moderators tending to err on the side of “guilty” (as a character in another Kafka’s story would put it, “guilt is never to be doubted”), the posters had to adapt their habits in a textbook example of leaky abstraction. They would obfuscate words like “fascist”, follow up with puzzled posts asking why they were banned after pointing out racism, and get banned again.
Industry leaders like Grindr’s Alice Goguen Hunsberger say that it’s not uncommon for an ML model to have high confidence but be wrong, and the human moderators must not be swayed by it.
That sounds like (pardon the pun) a lack of confidence in confidence values to me, and Alice is far from being alone in it.
The confidence value is then a security theater, introducing dangers like automation bias. In the perfect world, human moderators are PhDs in ethics debating big philosophical questions; in the real world, they are underpaid students strongly encouraged to perform their tasks as fast as possible. “Computer says no” more often than not means the human moderators will say no, too.
Not a Nail, Abandon Hammer
Clearly, finding arbitrarily defined “nasties” in text is more than just a “classification task”. A proper platform used to punish and ban people needs to have the decency to explain itself. It needs to adapt to the ever-changing and ever-expanding needs. It needs to make do with little to no training data. And it needs to be serviceable and updateable without the need to retrain huge models, wasting resources and risking regressions.
In other words, a black box paradigm is a poor fit for text moderation engines. Not to mention that the logic of a giant switch case statement is a bad fit for curve fitting in general.
Yes, trust & safety people found ways to adapt to the deficiencies of the current black box engines. But look around you. The discontent is everywhere, regardless of the political and social views. And even top tier communities like Twitter still fall back to keyword-based decision flow. Laws are being drafted to change the situation and right the perceived wrongs. World authorities in trust & safety talk about the tools being inadequate for their needs. While the objections target the process in general, the shaky technological base is at the heart of the issue.
What is Tisane, Anyway?
“You say ML is a bad fit and keywords are inadequate. What did you build then?”
Tisane is a knowledge graph solution, but much more granular than most its peers. Architecturally, it can be viewed as a symbolic counterpart of seq2seq. Our language models contain a rich set of morphological, syntactic, and semantic features, merged from a variety of sources. Because the runtime is symbolic and interpretable, we have full control over the flow, and can introduce new device at any stage.
Of course, building this kind of engine together with proprietary language models for it is easier said that done. If you’re a bit older, you may be familiar with mostly aborted attempts to build this kind of a multipurpose contraptions. As anyone familiar with this architecture will tell you, it’s basically a hoop-jumping marathon with contestants dropping like flies. What only 5% of those who tried building it will tell you is that once you’re done with the Shawshank Redemption-style sewer crawl, things become much easier, and adding new features that take ages with other engines gets trivial.
So what did we get with our off-the-beaten-track approach?
Algorithmic Transparency
The primary requirements are:
highlight the actual issue
tell why you think it’s an issue
Tisane both pinpoints the problematic fragment and, optionally, provides a human-readable explanation why it thinks the fragment is problematic.
Example output with an explanation
How is it possible? Much like other parts of the language building process, Tisane design workflow utilizes a combination of automated techniques and expert input with a highly efficient formalism. (The runtime is symbolic, but the designer platform is a literal smorgasbord!) In the example above, the “unwelcome person” may be any kind of unwelcome person, be it “liar”, “cheater”, “thief”, “coward”, etc. The query is on the specific nodes in the parse tree; meaning, it can also be interspersed with stray nouns, adverbs, and more (assuming the sentence is making grammatical sense or close to it, of course). The queries are across languages; as one such query covers thousands of combinations in one language, multiply it by the number of supported languages for the total coverage. Queries can be quite specific and convoluted, like tweezers for data extraction.
With Tisane, a human moderator does not need to scan a huge wall of text and scratch their head trying to figure out why “computer says no”. Tisane provides the reasoning behind its decisions, according to the requirements of EU Digital Services Act and other frameworks. The moderator job then is reduced to a sanity check, rather than trying to figure out alien logic while acting as a judge and an executioner. If Tisane messed up, it’s not going to cover its tracks; it’ll make it obvious.
If it isn’t enough, and the language model designer wants to drill down into the parsing process, there is a special web-based debugger which replays the process step by step and generates debugging info for the structures involved.
Embedded debugger for Tisane
Flexibility and Maintenance: Not Like a Box of Chocolates
In contrast, Tisane’s processing flow is predictable. That is not to say that regressions are impossible; it is software, after all. But all conflicts can be tracked and ultimately resolved. Generating a language model from the design tables (“compilation”, as we call it) takes minutes on a very standard machine without GPUs (or seconds for the metadata).
When everything is structured, adding more features to the word sense nodes becomes trivial. For example, with hate speech, most engines already moved to tag that it’s hate speech (rather than a generic “toxicity” label from mid-2010s). Tisane takes it one step further and also adds the sub-type of bigotry (e.g. Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, etc.).
How did it come into being? A customer asked whether it’s possible, and it took a couple of hours to map the root nodes; the rest was propagated automatically.
The requirements multiply faster than anyone expects, and so new features are not added just for the heck of it. We don’t have to build a new model every time, just add a couple of features to the model.
Cloud Providers Hate Him
Over its analysis, Tisane plays numerous what-ifs and is far more resource intensive than a simple syntactic parser or a part of speech tagger; in fact, these tasks are included in the analysis process. But it doesn’t come close to the CPU and RAM consumption of machine learning moderation engines.
Tisane runtime is built on cross-platform POSIX C++, with native editions for Linux, Windows, and maybe other OSes in the future. It is small enough to be deployed on device, and some of our customers do just that.
Last but not least, Tisane is an energy efficient C++ application, with C++ consistently rated as one of the most energy efficient programming languages. And while it may be disappointing for AWS, Azure, and Nvidia, we know that we contribute way fewer carbon emissions than our energy-hungry peers, and save a lot of hosting expenses for our on-prem customers and ourselves.
Language Trickle-Down Economics
Tisane’s language model design module is built to combine input from different sources: fuzzy matching, guided import, and manual expert input. (Plus generative AI, see closer to the end.) While we can use them for benchmarking, we do not require tagged datasets to learn from; we may utilize sources like Wikidata (as a starting point), augmenting them with expert input in more ambiguous cases.
This opens vast opportunities when tackling niche and low-data languages. A training set does not have to come in one package or (again) a black box. We don’t have to wait decades until enough data “trickles down”.
Multistep Detection
While for most trust & safety tasks the logic can be found in one sentence, or maybe in another one just before it, some cases are more complex.
Consider the following utterance: “Where are your parents now?” On its own, we don’t have enough context to mark it as problematic. It can be anything: two kids talking about their parents or a repairman trying to locate the head of the household. Then consider another utterance: “Can you turn on your camera?” Once again, the utterance alone does not necessarily imply nefarious intent. It may be from a conversation between colleagues at work. However, when the request to turn on the camera follows the inquiry about the location of the parents, it makes a lot of sense to issue an alert.
The same flag mechanism also helps to reduce false positives. For example, in gaming chats, or chats discussing competitions, “Shoot him!” or “We’re gonna kick your a*” are perfectly acceptable and are not indicators of ill intent.
When ChatGPT made everyone pay attention to generative AI, we were taken aback like many others, and even worried. But that didn’t last long.
The separation into the design platform and the runtime allows plugging whatever future technologies may emerge into the design platform, which still produces the same format, but with more accurate extraction and more new features.
For example, we’re using generative AI to suggest changes to our knowledge graphs and correct anomalies.
Invoking generative AI to fill in the blanks in the linguistic database
In a way, we’re creating a combination of an “LLM snapshot” and manual adjustments, while enjoying the best of both worlds: deterministic, efficient Tisane and coverage of edge cases that the original Tisane language models may have been lacking. It is also possible that Tisane can be used as a “Trojan horse” to get some generative AI functionality to the enterprise.
We’re no longer asked whether this kind of architecture is viable, or whether it’s more fragile. We have proven it’s viable, robust, and, most importantly, solves nagging issues that other paradigms don’t.
Can a traversable deterministic graph of entities offer unique advantages beyond trust & safety? Tisane is already actively used in law enforcement and national security, where determinism, explainability, and data economics are essential. We are open to other future applications, too.
Have any questions or comments about the topic discussed in this post? Feel free to comment or contact us and we’ll be happy to help!
As the cautionary tale of Parler shows, lack of proper moderation may bring down an entire community. All it takes is one incident that may raise the prospect of lawsuits or consumer campaigns to delete your app for everyone involved even indirectly. Nor is it the first time: back in 2018, Gab was forced offline over the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.
It’s not just the United States. Virtually every jurisdiction today has laws to make sure that online chatter does not cause offline issues. You think you can host your controversial website in Russia? Think again. Roskomnadzor (a Russian federal service in charge of censorship of communications) goes beyond banning neo-Nazi outlets. For example, some websites are forced to replace specific Russian swearwords by “describing what they mean” instead, as in a charade. (Literally descriptions like, “a word made of four letters starting with X that rhymes with Y”.)
And if it weren’t for the threat of deplatforming, users leaving, and pressure from campaigns like Stop Hate for Profit, brands are no longer happy to let their ads be displayed near problematic content. When the №1 advertiser on Facebook considers pulling their spending, no deplatforming is needed to get the message across. With the bulk of social media subsisting on ads, whatcha gonna do when no one wants to advertise with you?
Parler Case Study
A class action suit is basically a courtroom equivalent of an angry mob with torches and pitchforks looking for targets. It does not matter if a party was just marginally involved; if it can be proven that it was involved at all, and can pay, it will likely be named an accomplice.
Suppose there was an incident or a chain of incidents in which people got killed and massive damage was inflicted. The action was planned on a platform built by a small unprofitable startup, hosted on a cloud maintained by a trillion dollar company, and distributed via app stores by other trillion dollar companies. Do you think the lawyers, whose compensation may be contingent on the settlement amount, will miss an opportunity to pick on the big guys? Neither do I.
The reaction of Apple, Google, and Amazon therefore should not be surprising. What’s surprising is that Parler wasn’t deplatformed earlier, given the number of warnings AWS sent (note the obfuscated F-word in the first post; apparently, that’s what the author felt was the worst part of the death threat). Just before the deplatforming, the data dump of Parler’s user content has been obtained, and is now doing circles in the digital forensic community.
Could Parler have survived? They had moderation in place; very loose, but it was there: no porn, no spam, no obscene nicknames. Some observers complained about the policy being inconsistent and arbitrary. For example, a user got banned for mocking Parler, even though it was never against the published rules.
Clearly, what they had in place wasn’t enough. When you are repeatedly told by your hosting company that you have potential law enforcement issues, you better do something about it. Were they paying attention? Variety and others posted conflicting accounts of the former CEO and the shareholders, mentioning discussions about the need to crack down on the darker parts of the gray zone. Whoever said what, it does sound like the subject was raised.
If that’s the case, they knew it was problematic; they were discussing ways to mitigate the issue. But it took too long.
The moral of the story is, don’t let an inconsistent and lacking moderation policy become a trainwreck in slow motion.
after an explanation how Element and Matrix work, Google apologized and reinstated Element.
most importantly, both Element and Matrix provide a robust toolset to moderate the Matrix communities.
And that was the end of the story.
The sophistication of Matrix.org moderation toolset is impressive, and should be regarded as a gold standard. The creators of Matrix seem to realize that decentralized != chaos. They have a concept of policy servers, and a component that provides portable moderation and, as they say, “impersonal” rules. Contrast it with the approach of “poop emoji in the comments not OK, death threats OK, but sometimes not, and sometimes we’ll just kick out people who troll us”.
Because proper moderation is, like proper law enforcement, consistent and impersonal.
Tisane API: Moderation Aid Done Differently
Here in Tisane Labs, we build automated tools to tag problematic textual content. Tisane API is not a panacea by any means, but we work hard to avoid the common pitfalls. Our starting point is the need, not what can be done quickly. Some of the capabilities of Tisane appeared an overkill at first, only to be requested later by the users.
Outlined below are the core design principles of Tisane.
Transparency and Granularity by Design
Every alert the system provides contains a built-in rationale, and the actual fragment that caused the alert.
Example Tisane response, complete with explanation
With Tisane, their task is reduced to verifying that the system interpreted the utterance correctly.
Consistent Decisions
Wouldn’t it be more democratic if every policeman could apply the laws the way they see fit? After all, they know the reality better than some lawmakers far away, right?..
Shocked? An insane idea, isn’t it?
And yet that’s roughly how many automatic moderation systems function today. Some rely on models trained by underpaid human annotators; others make it even worse and let the model be trained by decisions of moderators.
Do you want to get deplatformed because five of ten of your moderators were fixated on the poop emoji and taught the system to dismiss the death threats to public figures?
Tisane’s alerts are strictly aligned with the provided guidelines. Our built-in guidelines rely on principles today regarded as universal or near-universal. We do not tag content critical of a political faction or a public figure (unless they are part of the conversation) as a violation. We avoid political decisions; the management team of Tisane Labs, as well the rest of staff is made of people with very different opinions, mindsets, and backgrounds.
That said, if your community wants to steer clear of a particular topic (like the Peloton communities avoiding political discussions), there is a topic detection and entity extraction mechanism. Rather than providing a simple classifier, we follow the “Swiss army knife” approach.
We avoid floating point “confidence thresholds”.
It may give the developers a false sense of control, but it doesn’t make the decisions more accurate, let alone transparent. We view it as an equivalent of security theater in the airports.
Privacy and Data Security: On-prem
Sometimes, the conversations in the community may be more discreet. Whatever the policies of the vendor are, whatever jurisdictions they must be compliant with, some communities want to be shielded from changes in the legislation or intrusion into privacy. On the other hand, some communities have specific requirements, and need to construct their own guidelines.
Which is why Tisane has an option for an on-prem single tenant installation, with the ability to adhere to custom policies. Contact us to request more information.
Moderation is important, but investing in fences and locks more than the house is worth makes no sense. We realize that moderation is akin to insurance policy, and keep our prices affordable.
To try Tisane, sign up here. The free plan does not expire.
Moderation is no longer a luxury. Even in cases when it’s not a legal requirement, running an online community without a moderation solution in place is akin to driving without insurance or never locking your house.
You may get away with it for a while, but as your community grows, the probability that bad actors abuse your platform is too high to ignore.
Tisane API can be now used to moderate chat messages in Zendesk’s Smooch platform.
Zendesk is a world leader in customer service software. Smooch is a conversational platform that collates messages across web, mobile, and social messaging and combines user activity and existing profile data, enabling admins to create more tailored experiences. A hotel, for instance, could give guests the ability to ping staff on-property, and an online retailer could manage issues like incorrect shipments and returns across channels.
With support of Tisane, Zendesk users can:
Tag and classify abusive content, like profane and non-profane insults, hate speech, sexual harassment, criminal activity.
Track and tag attempts to establish external contacts between the users.
Extract topics, entities, and more.
The Tisane integration is aimed at:
Online communities looking to improve and streamline their moderation process.
Business chat operators trying to block abusive, hostile and irrelevant content.
Enterprises trying to keep the online conversations compliant with HR regulations and abuse-free.
e-Commerce portals that need to track and/or prevent deals bypassing them.